Minos 2009

The weekend followed its customary pattern with the Saturday consisting of a number of presentations from members of the community and Sunday giving an opportunity for folk to compete in the friendly, but earnest, competition session. The rest of this post has a summary of each speaker’s session and a link to the slides and other media where available.


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Minos 2009 – competition results

Sunday mornings at Minos sees our intrepid robot builders giving their creations a bit of friendly competition on a full size maze. Both wall-followers and maze solvers get to show what they are made of. The full-size maze is pretty big so everyone wants to make best use of the opportunity. Competing on the Sunday is an essential part of the run-up to the main competition in June. Here are the results for the  MINOS 09 event.


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Ternary numbers for diagonal micromouse turns

by Alan Dibley

The translation of a route from one using 90 degree turns only to one using a combination of 45, 90 and 135 degree turns is not an obvious or trivial task. There are several possible approaches. this method recognises that there are only three kinds of action in an orthogonal route. Thus it seems to make sense to represent those values as a base three, or ternary, number. A simple translation process can then take these values as triplets and look up a translated move in a table.


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