Robotics in the Curriculum

IMG_2515 All fools day it may have been … but not at the Open University headquarters today in Milton Keynes. The ‘Robotics in the Curriculum’ event was attended by a variety of people from the commercial and education worlds. Looking for ways to develop the use of robotics in education, there was plenty of experience to be shared. I was there showing off micromouse and the related schools competitions to  pretty well anyone who would stand still long enough to look interested…


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Rise of the Robots

The National Space Centre is having a robot weekend in May this year: See robots from the TV series Robot Wars Compete in the battle arena Take part challenges to test your skills and win prizes Build and test your own robot, including the new LEGO Mindstorm Support your team…

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Club meeting March 3rd

IMG_2499 Tonight was the monthly Midlands Club meeting. The club meets on the first Monday of each month at the Technology Innovation Centre in Birmingham. We have been running for a couple of years now and anyone interested in micromouse or robotics in general is welcome to come along for a chat. We had a modest turnout tonight, a good chat about (mostly) mouse related matters and a talk about VHDL from Tony Wilcox. There were a few mice to have a look at and compare notes. It was good to see Andrew Lloyd return after travels afar.


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Robosavvy bipeds at ROBOtic’07

The guys from Robosavvy forum have confirmed that they will yet again be demonstrating their bipedal wares at ROBOtic'07, and are intending to run several competitions.The bipeds were very well received at UK Micromouse 2007, and a promised demonstration of stair climbing could mean that they reach even greater heights…

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