The 2010 UK micromouse contest will take place at Millenium Point, Birmingham on June 26th. Online registration is possible now…

Visit the Birmingham City Univerity page here:<br>

To register your robot for the UK contest. There are categories for Maze solvers, wall followers, line followers, drag race and time trials.

You can use this form to pre-register for the event, and to request spectator places. Pre-registration helps us to create an appropriate schedule for the days events, and pre-print registration cards, thereby minimising delays at the reception desk. Please register on-line only if you are fully expecting to attend.

If you are in the process of applying for visa, travel grants, permissions etc. we would appreciate it if you would contact us by email to express your intention to attend, rather than by completing the registration form at this stage.

On-line pre-registration will close on 18th June to enable us to create the initial database of entrants. Registration thereafter will be on the day, at reception desk.

If you are not taking part in micromouse or its associated events, there will also be facilities for sumo robots and biped robots. Anyone wanting to arrange  allied events at the same time should get in touch now.

Even if you are not taking part, come along and see what it is all about, talk to the contestants, visit the museum, go shopping…

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Hamed

    Thanks for your very useful information.
    I’m waiting for the result, report and video for this competition.
    The news in the competition website is not new and there is no update.

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