Finding the correct small connector for the micromouse – or any small robot – can be challenge. For a variety of reasons, I favour pin-headers on the cable and vertical sockets on the mouse. In the past, these have been 0.1″ (2.54mm) pitch but a much better choice is 0.05″ (1.27mm). these can be hard to find just because there are so many many different connectors in the catalogues.
Harjit Singh was kind enough to share his preferred type and the details of where to find them. He uses the Harwin Archer M50 series. For the main connection on the mouse board, this will be a 2×5 socket, I prefer Part Number M50-3000545 for through-hole mounting. Harjit uses the right-angle connector M50-3200545. You can find details about it and the other connectors in the series here

These are available from Mouser, Digikey and Farnell among others. Just put the part number into the supplier search box.
If you use the pin headers on a board, then ready-made cables can be obtained s parts for the Gadgeteer series of boards from GHI. Try these links (the same parts are available from a number of suppliers, including in the UK):
I have yet to find cables with pins on the end so that looks like a soldering job either with 0.025″ pitch ribbon cable or individual wires. The individual wires approach is actually easier and, with relatively light wires, makes for a more flexible cable. Use hot glue or epoxy for strain relief around the pins where you solder on the wires.
If you have other alternatives, or other suggestions about connecting the PC and/or charger to your micromouse or robot, please leave a note in the comments.
I am using harwin the whole time except the 2×4 version has been discontinued for years. I had to use 2×5 to dremal down to 2×4 for the whole time. Free samples are available at Harwin website.
The down side of these 1.27mm spacing headers are they are not strong enough to against collision if you place them at the edge of the PCB, just FYI.