The UK Micromouse contest took place on Jun 1st at the Techfest 2019 event. I am happy to report that, from a personal perspective, it was almost entirely without drama.
[update: full results are here: ]
There was a worrisome moment when the program would not build on the new laptop but that was just unfamiliarity with the process having done it differently for a good few years.
The maze had quite a long path – I took the magenta route which was a little over 14m long.

And my final time was 6.37 seconds – an average of about 2.2m/s. It felt like it should have been quicker but there were no long straights. The top speed reached was only 3.9 m/s.
The first speed run took about 8.2 seconds – I don’t have the detailed timing data yet. The last run was performed at the maximum available speed setting and there were no visible errors. The penultimate run clipped a post. I heard it but saw no sign of disturbance.
There were 33 turns and 17 straights in the path. The search took a while and the battery voltage was down to 7.5 Volts at the start of the first fast run and just 7.14 Volts at the start of the last fast run. That will have limited the top speed a little.
We did not have a huge entry list this year but here are the fastest times: