Decimus speed feed forward

As set up for the last post, my micromouse Decimus is performing reasonably well on the ground. So far. The data plots show some features that are a little bit curious. However, my concerns over the apparent error in the endpoint were a little misleading. The recorded error is derived from the integral of the set speed and the total count from the wheel encoders. Thus, it does not represent an actual error on the ground…


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Decimus data – 2

With new tyres and a tweak to the acceleration profilers it is time to grab some data from Decimus again. The tyre seem to give me reliable grip up to 4m/s/s. They will probably manage more but I seem to have other control issues then. In any case, a dusty maze will soon put paid to that. For this trial, the mouse was commanded to move forward 4 squares with no limit on its top speed…


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