ROBOtic 2012

The UK's premier autumn robotics event, ROBOtic, will take place this year on Saturday November 17th 2012 at Millenium Point, Birmingham. The event starts at 10am. There is no entry fee and no need to register in advance. Just turn up with your robot or come along to watch. Contests…

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More bugs than I need

For a few weeks now, I have been struggling with strange behaviour on the micromouse. This version is Decimus 2C. It is the build that ran (poorly) at the UK contest in the summer of 2012. It did not do well so I have been trying to get it all tidy for the Taiwan contest next week. (more…)

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MCU Car Rally

The line following contest at the annual All Japan Micromouse event is an exciting event. Simple rules, brutal timing constraints and a long, challenging course make for a great competition. While I already knew there were plenty of other robotic contest in Japan, I had not realised there was a whole line following event separate to the one I had seen. (more…)

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