Measuring Moment of Inertia

The moment of inertia of a micromouse is a useful number to know. It tells you how easy or hard your mouse will be to turn and lets you calculate an appropriate value for the angular acceleration during the lead-in and lead-out of the turn. Indeed, you may find out the upper limits or what your mouse can achieve. the race is, after all, won in the turns they say. So, how can you find out what the moment of inertia is for your mouse?


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UK Micromouse at TechFest 2011

The UK micromouse contest will be held this year as part of the 2011 TechFest event hosted at Millenium Point by Birmingham City University on Saturday June 25th. This year sees a wider than ever range of robot contests and other related events including a biped robot football match…


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Minos 2011 Report

It is said that the English are obsessed with the weather. That may be so but you should know that MINOS11 took place on a beautiful spring weekend. This annual gathering of the micromouse community at Royal Holloway near London is looked forward to my many was enjoyed by all who attended.


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Minos 2011 Registration now open

Minos is upon us. It is now possible to register for the 2011 Minos event which takes place on April 9th and 10th at Royal Holloway, University of London. Following the success of all the previous MINOS events, we are hosting the eleventh weekend conference on micromouse and other robotics related matters. There will be a competition session on the Sunday.


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