Connector choice for the micromouse
Find suitable small connector for your micromouse or small robot project
Find suitable small connector for your micromouse or small robot project
Here is a fairly simple way to find out if all the wheels on your micromouse are making proper contact with the ground. (more…)
The most recent version of the Decimus 4 chassis runs reasonably well and, with the test release of the Decimus 5 Software it is more clever (I hope) than ever. However, it still can't corner as well as I had hoped. There seem to be two problems. First, the motor…
When entering for the All Japan Micromouse contest, you have to enter a whole bunch of details about your mouse - number of wheels, types of motor, motor driver, sensor devices, gyro, CAD software. It goes on and on. I always wondered what happened to that information. This year it…
The official results, run times and maze/track details are now available at:
At the end of another All Japan Micromouse contest, there is plenty to look back on and lots of ideas for the future. The tide is definitely changing for the classic micromouse contest and probably also for the half-size. Fans of all kinds are everywhere. (more…)
Unfortunately, I was not able to attend the 2016 Birmingham City University Robofest held on November 12th. It looks like plenty of others could though. David Hannaford has kindly sent me the results. The Maze the maze for the final contest was 11x11 and had a single practical path to…
Over the years, I have collected a good number of micromouse mazes. Some of these are from previous contests, some are just odd test mazes. All are for the 16x16 classic micromouse contest and all are, as far as I know, legitimate mazes with a valid start cell and goal…
A bit of routine maintenance on the maze code for my micromouse turned into a possible real problem that has been waiting to surface for years now. In spite of running much the same flooding and path generating code since my first successful mouse many years back, I now discover it could have failed on complex mazes. (more…)
Results from the 2016 Taiwan Micromouse and Intelligent Robot Contest