Simpler sensor emitters
Simpler is often a good thing. For the new mouse, I wanted to make the sensor arrangement as simple as possible. One way is to drive the emitters from the battery supply… (more…)
Calibrating Reflective Sensors
By far the most commonly used micromouse sensors are simple reflective types that give an indication of distance by measuring how much light is reflected from the maze wall. While the response is repeatable and related to distance, it is quite difficult to get an accurate answer. This is how the sensor readings can be converted into an actual distance… (more…)
Sensors and shiny maze walls.
Among the various thing you will hear said by contestants at a micromouse contest, the topic of walls will frequently come up. Generally in some disparaging way that indicates that the walls are in some sense to blame for their misfortune. I have certainly said so more than once but…