Rocking out of control

A wheelchair configuration micromouse has the wheels in the middle and skids at either end. Those skids cannot both be on the ground at the same time or, when the mouse encounters a step in the maze surface, the drive wheels will be lifted off the ground and the mouse may come to a halt. But, if there is too much clearance, the mouse will be able to rock back and forth quite a lot. It turns out that can have quite a big influence on behaviour…


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Comparing the ADXRS610 and ADXRS642 gyros

Analog Devices recently release new vibration rejection gyros which seemed a perfect fit for use on a micromouse. Since I was using the ADXRS610 on Zeetah V, I temporarily mounted an ADXRS642 to ZV to compare the two.


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Minos 2012 dates

It is the time of year to start thinking about the important things in life. Like the 2012 MINOS event next April at Royal Holloway college. This annual robotics and micromouse conference will be running for its 12th successive year. The proposed dates are April 14th and 15th 2012.


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Choosing an emitter for micromouse sensors

Most commonly, micromouse reflective sensors use Infra Red LEDs as the emitter component. That is all very well and suits many, or most, phototransistors. the thing is, you cannot easily see where they are pointing and what kind of illumination they are providing. Here is a sample of 13 different emitters…

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Sensor Alternatives to the TSL262

The TSL262 sensor has been popular with a number of micromouse builders. It is compact, easy to use and results in a low component count. A common alternative is the use of a simple phototransistor in an emitter foloower configuration. So, why change what works… (more…)

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