The 19th conference takes place on 6th and 7th April 2019 at the Quality Hotel in Coventry, U.K.
Papers are requested on all aspects of Micromouse and small autonomous robot design and use. Maze solving, wall following, line following and drag racing are the main contexts in both full-size and half-size formats. There will be an opportunity to demonstrate robots in a 16 by 16 maze in both full- and half-sizes as well as a line following course.
Keynote speakers include Peter Harrison, UK solver champion, with his international contest roundup and Duncan Louttit, chairman of UKMARS on the effect of rule changes on mouse design.
We are looking for speakers on any subject related to small robot and robot contests.
If you have suggestions for content or papers to offer, please contact :
Keep your eye on the UKMARS web site for additional information