The effect of speed on micromouse smooth turn

A little while ago, I came across a Japanese micromouse web site where the author had taken long-exposure pictures while his micromouse smooth turns. I decided to do some experiments of my own and test the effect of speed on cornering. (more…)

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Four wheels – good in a straight line, not so good in corners

Decimus 4 is a four wheel micromouse in the same style as so many others that you see now. Until building it I thought I had a good idea what some of the problems might be. I was partly right... Having watched many four wheel micromouse runs since Kato-san so…

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Quadrature encoders with the STM32F4

Most commonly, the speed and direction of the motors in a micromouse or other small robot will be read from quadrature encoders connected to the drive train. One of the great things about the STM32F4 processor is that it can read these directly. Quadrature Encoder Signals A quadrature encoder generates…

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Open Source STM32 Book

Lucky students at Indiana University might like to enrol on the [C - H]335 Computer Structures course run by Geoffrey Brown. If they do, they will be treated to a great introduction to the STM32 processor. The lab manual for the course is freely available to download. The course covers…

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Micromouse sensors aligned the easy way

An essential part of setting up a new mouse is the proper alignment of the sensors.  You micromouse sensors must have the emitters pointing exactly where you want them to and the detectors have to be aligned to get the best possible response. A simple paper target and an Infra Red camera can help get this right. (more…)

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Flexible shields for micromouse sensors

Micromouse sensors need shielding to work at their best. Here we are going to show you how to make a simple, flexible light shield for your micromouse sensors that will cut down the effect of ambient light and reduce leakage from the emitter. The problem with micromouse sensors The common…

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Easier Statistics for your Sensor Data

Learn how you can calculate the standard deviation, or spread, of your sensor readings on-the-fly while collecting data without having to first record all the values and then do the statistics. Statistics based on the data from your sensors can tell you a lot about the system and the environment…

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Great Online Circuit Simulator Site

Designing electronic circuits takes knowledge and experience. Sooner or later, you have to put your idea to the test. Generally, this means building a prototype. Even with the best circuit simulator software, you ended up with unfriendly or expensive products. Or both. Now you can do a good job with…

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An Improved Bit Banding Approach

The commonly published approach to using the bit banding feature of the Cortex Mx family of processors is to use macros – see Bit Banding in the STM32. This post describes an alternate implementation that uses a dedicated RAM section for bit banding.

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