Crossworks projects startup and debugging

Crossworks or, more accurately, CrossStudio for the Arm, running on a mac is probably one of the better development environments. It has its quirky side but, so far, I am really happy with it. Now might be a good time to look at how projects are organised, how the code gets onto the target and how it is started up…


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Crossworks Blinky Project 3 – PLL and HSE

Last time, the STM32 was set up to use the Internal RC oscillator, HSI. This runs at 8MHz. The PLL multiplier was told to use the HSI/2 as its input and the multiplier value was set to x 5. The result being a 20MHz system clock. Now, what happens if the PLL multiplier is increased to make the system run faster…


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Crossworks Blinky Project 2 – RCC and Systick

In the previous post, the STM32 development board was turning a LED on and off in response to a button press. Not very exciting but satisfying anyway. Next, I want to have a look at setting up the system oscillator and the systick timer…


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Crossworks Blinky Project 1

With the Rowley Crossworks software set up, it is time to make some code. As usual, it is easiest to start out with a simple LED flasher. Why break with tradition. The target board for this project is the IAR STM32-SK because I happen to have one after winning it in a contest…


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Crossworks for the ARM on a mac

After much messing about, I finally decided how to do my STM32 ARM development. While there is a certain amount of appeal in the DIY approach, in the end I just want to write code for my processor and not battle to make sure the tools are properly configured. To this end, I have now paid for a personal licence for Rowley Crossworks for the ARM. This cross-platform toolset and IDE will run pretty much identically on Windows, Linux, Solaris and the mac. The compiler is one of the GCC releases and you get almost everything you need in one hit…


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ROBOtic09 results

On Saturday November 28th 2009, we held out our semi-formal winter event for the micromouse and small robot builder. Held at Millennium Point in Birmingham and made possible by Birmingham City University, this is an ideal opportunity to get in a bit of mid-year competition and size up the opposition before those long winter nights of robot building and tweaking…


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All Japan Micromouse 2009 Monday

Finals day! I really expected to be nothing more than a spectator today so I was pretty excited about the fact that I would be able to run in the finals. No matter what happened, I felt that was a bit of an achievement. Apart from any nervousness, this was a fairly relaxed day. We could concentrate on watching the other contests as they were being run one after another. First up was the robotrace line follower contest…


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All Japan Micromouse 2009 Sunday

Sunday crept up on me after another poor night’s sleep. Today was the all-important qualifying contest. In many ways, this was quite a relaxed day. After breakfast we went down to the Capio, got our gear set up and watched the opening ceremony. Once that was done, there was not much else to do except look at robots, watch the other contests and wait for our turn in the qualifying session. With 77 entrants to the expert class, the qualifiers were run on two mazes at the same time…


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All Japan Micromouse 2009 Saturday

I didn’t get much sleep at all on my first night in Japan. Or any of the others in fact. Probably over-excited. the view from the hotel room was pretty good what with the rocket, the planetarium and Mt Tsukuba all beautifully lit by the rising sun. Having missed out on the Akihabara experience on the day before, I resolved to take the Tsukuba Express and have a look this morning…


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