A Simple Micromouse Design for Middle and High School Students as Well as Hobbyists

For years Michael Backus taught students to build and program LEGO robots at the Alaska Summer Research Academy. He eventually began taking students on field trips to look at Steven Kibler’s micromouse. As a computer engineering student, Steven explained that in order to build and program a micromouse students need to take several engineering and computer science classes. Naturally, Michael went home and began work on a LEGO robot capable of solving a maze. Unfortunately, it could not fit in a micromouse maze and was needlessly expensive. (more…)

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All Japan Micromouse 2013 Results and Prize Lists Published

The New Technology Foundation organises the All Japan Micromouse Tournament. They have now published the results and prizewinners list for the 34th event held at the Nagareyama Continuing Education Center Venue in 2013. Results: http://www.ntf.or.jp/mouse/micromouse2013/mm2013result01.html Prizes: http://www.ntf.or.jp/mouse/micromouse2013/mm2013prize01.html Thanks again to all those involved in putting on this excellent tournament.

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All Japan Micromouse Contest 2013

The 34th All Japan Micromouse Contest was held at Nagareyama City Lifelong Learning Centre on November 23rd and 24th 2013. This was my fifth visit to this event – arguably the World Championships for the micromouse contest. (more…)

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BCU Robofest 2013 report

Birmingham City University hosted BCU RoboFest – the November robotics event in Birmingham for micromouse and other autonomous robots – on Saturday November 16th as a part of its open day. The day was a great success. As well as running our micromouse contests, we played host  to several groups of prospective student – all keen to find out as much as possible about their choice of university. (more…)

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Taiwan Micromouse and Intelligent Robot Contest 2013

Lunghua University of Science and Technology hosted the annual Taiwan Micromouse and Intelligent Robot Contest on September 15th 2013. One again, I was fortunate enough to be able to attend and compete with some of the best micromouse builders around. (more…)

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